August 2014

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ElkStarRanchArtwork's avatar
Riabhach's News


It's been a crazy year - this year of the Horse. I was homeless in Feb and Mar - moved into a new place in April and have been trying to get ahead since. My laptop and phone died in March and I had to get new ones. My truck was in the shop off and on since January and I finally got it back in July - runs like a dream. Amazing that a dealership where I used to live almost made it so I had to get a new vehicle - glad I found a great mechanic here!

It's been a rough ride but I think I have this bronc calmed a little :D 

Not much news other than working on models and hiking and taking pictures. 

Speaking of pictures - I have a friend who is in a contest on Facebook - if you would be so kind as to vote for her picture - I would be grateful!  Go here -…

Hope 2014 is going well for all of you! 

Happy Summer!! 

Slytherin by Rose-RayneMy Fave Links Slytherin by Rose-Rayne

I solemnly swear I am up to no good! :poof: by darkmoon3636

Riabhach's To Do List and Stuff Ordered

Commission: OPEN ON ETSY and Deviantart
Gift Art: IF I FEEL UP TO IT - please don't ask
Kiribans: AT 100,000

© 2014 - 2024 ElkStarRanchArtwork
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Ellygator's avatar
What a crazy year for you! I am glad that it seems things are settling down for you a little bit now...