ElizaVDraws on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elizavdraws/art/Megaman-Starfoce-Geo-and-Luna-cooking-together-736037819ElizaVDraws

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Megaman Starfoce: Geo and Luna cooking together



English: This fanart is product of an idea EliHedgie95 and I cae up with when we talked about the episode 46 of Ryusei no Rockman anime and certain Sakura Card captor episode EliHedgie95  mentioned.

Episode 46 of Ryusei no Rockman, so funnuy, poor Geo

The difference here is that we decided for Subaru and Luna to team up and bake a cake together and of  course doing a mess in the begining but at the end doing a good job.

Este fanart es producto de una idea que EliHedgie95 y yo se nos ocurrió al hablar sobre el episodio 46 del anime Ryusei no Rockman y cierto episodio del captor de Sakura Card que EliHedgie95 mencionó.

Episodio 46 de Ryusei no Rockman, esta muy chistoso, pobre Geo.

La diferencia aquí es que decidimos que Subaru y Luna se unieran y hornearan un pastel juntos y, por supuesto, que hicieran un desastre al principio, pero que al final hicieran un buen trabajo.

Megaman (c) Capcom
Paypal Commission asked by :iconmeteorstom:
Art (c) :iconelihedgie95:
Image size
3000x2200px 2.1 MB
© 2018 - 2024 ElizaVDraws
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A very underrated couple.