Hello, I am Karina.
Most art authored by me on this account is licensed under Creative Commons CC0 or Public Domain. Anything marked with CC0 will be have no copyright restrictions. You can use it commercially, without permission! This includes selling works I created as T-shirts, Mugs, and for use in AI Art!
The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law.
Limits to CC0. CC0 is not synonymous as "Public Domain", hence, Public Domain Dedicated. This is due to the unfortunate fact we cannot release things directly into the "Public Domain" in every country. I propose copyright reforms that will allow us to place works into the public domain. There are jurisdictions do not recognize the right to waive copyright and/or moral rights. This should change.
Other things about me:
I donate to charities that focus on anti-aging breakthroughs, cellular agriculture research, and family planning/ anti poverty programs. I'm transgender (MTF), a transhumanist and I support technologies that grant people more freedom over their own bodies and minds. Examples include: Such as life extension, human enhancements to increase happiness and intelligence.
Happy Birthday! I know it's late, but I hope you had a great one all the same!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday!