elisamoriconi on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/elisamoriconi/art/The-Beauty-and-the-Beast-291604214elisamoriconi

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elisamoriconi's avatar

The Beauty and the Beast



I was trying to define the two main characters of the story. In the latest version the Beast is different from the one I drawn in this illustration, Belle is very similar. But I love this picture so I decide to post here on DA.

For post some other illustration, with the final look of the characters of the fairy tale, I have to wait until this Christmas, when will be published the book in France :)

Tools: Pencil drawing, ink and watercolors for the first layer and photoshop
Image size
1600x800px 694.22 KB
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PrincePhantom19's avatar
I love your own version of this classic tale as old as time. :)