Skippy Troll (Gift)EliMicho on DeviantArt

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EliMicho's avatar

Skippy Troll (Gift)



A gift for :iconcarretonrider: and Pacopakero ((I don't know if he had DA account D: )). They added my ponysona, Bordeaux B, and her pet, Sheena, in their amazing "Ask Sweetie Bot & Skippy" comic (check this out! asksweetiebotandskippy.tumblr.… so... TARAAÁ!!!
Hope you like it Anna squee  It took me foreveeeeer TT_TT
PD.: ¿Se nota que no encontraba por ningún lado la CM de Pacopakero? Smile Suicidémonos xDDD 

I know a lot of DA people don't like comments like "Thanks for the +fav " in their profiles, so thanks a lot in advance, really appreciated ^___^

Favorite by LumiResources
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2090x1500px 899.01 KB
© 2014 - 2025 EliMicho
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pottoka24's avatar
Me gusta mucho de verdad ....Congratulations tienes mi 10