ElenaLeetah on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/elenaleetah/art/Tutorial-How-to-make-light-weight-wings-Kamael-348626950ElenaLeetah

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ElenaLeetah's avatar

Tutorial: How to make light-weight wings (Kamael)



I've been asked many times how we made our kamael wings. I really didn't plan to write a tutorial EVER, but after 50th questions I gave up.
That’s not the only or best way to make wings, but there were demands, so I comply :)

Wings made by Desler (ErikDesler) and me (ElenaLeetah).
Tutorial made by me :)


Those are our kamaels, thanks to those costumes this tutorial was created:

LAII: Love and hate of evil creatures by ElenaLeetah LineAge II: Mutual threat by ElenaLeetah LAII: kamael in wilderness by ElenaLeetah LAII: Kamaels waiting for the prey by ElenaLeetah LineAge II on-stage by Hide-Out: kamaels' stroll by ElenaLeetah LAII: Kamaels by ElenaLeetah LAII: Kamael - Ready? by ElenaLeetah LAII kamaels: bow during festival Toguchi 2012 by ElenaLeetah 
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© 2013 - 2024 ElenaLeetah
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Sera-F's avatar

I really want to cosplay Crowley from Good Omens (complete with wings), and I want to make some really lightweight wings, as I don’t have the balance nor joints to be able to support anything too heavy (not to mention pretty much all the conventions I go to are in London, meaning public transport is the only real option to get there). Most tutorials require things like heat guns and thermoplastics, which I don’t really want to get, so this is a godsend for me. Can I just ask how you made the harness to attach them? Because instructions for that would be a great help.