The Wings of TorElementalJess on DeviantArt

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The Wings of Tor



Seeing the aurora is common in the starward corner of the world, and the old Vanir of the Silver Isles call the beautiful lights "the Wings of Tor." The goddess of the night unfurls her wings on the coldest, clearest nights of winter, and sometimes in the summer.

Some gryfons consider it extremely lucky to pledge to their mate under the Wings of Tor, and will risk an out-of-season whelping just to fly under the hallow show of light.

Pictured here is Ragna, now the Widow happier times, exalting under the Wings.

Character & mythology from my novel, SONG OF THE SUMMER KING: [link]

This character is NOT free for use. I'm extremely proud of her, she has a history and a life. In December I'll be opening up for commissions, otherwise, please do not use or alter. Kthxbye.

This is, to date, the BEST digital landscape I've ever painted, and the best gryfon. Be kind. Yes. Painted everything from scratch on three layers. :squee:

Also, I did not realize until I painted in Ragna how the northern lights actually looked like a gryfess spreading her wings o_O

Huzzah for happy accidents. ^_^
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© 2012 - 2025 ElementalJess
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CleoIsAFluffyKat's avatar
I don't know why, but I always imagined Tor as a Lion and Tyr as an eagle. XD