I'm going to put requests on Hiatus for now. Yes for now. I'm not entirely sure that the last Smash Bros Direct (which gave us Corrin, who's game I'm very looking forward to. And importantly BAYONETTA! I'm so hyped that she's in! I thought Cloud was already impossible and now the powerful and very attractive Umbra Witch in Smash)
Was the last DLC for SSB4, I'm pretty sure it is because Sakurai already provided the impossible, but people are saying maybe future normal Nintendo Directs more characters will come. I doubt it, but if so I will be very surprised and welcome the characters
So guys thank you for your time, I really had the chance to know certain people in Deviant-art, but more importantly you should be thanking Sakurai for all the hard work and effort he put in SSB4.
SSB4 is a near perfect game, if not THE perfect Smash game
Guess who got their codes to add Mewtwo in both versions of Smash?!
(Answer: This Guy)
Okay in all seriousness, if you watched the latest Nintendo Direct you would know that they are doing more DLC other than just Mewtwo. And as proof they've announced Lucas from "Mother 3" and a previous fighter in Super Smash Bros Brawl to return for SSB4
And also they've announced a Smash Fighter Ballot. The Nintendo fans can vote for any video-game character they would like to add in for SSB4 DLC. And the character with the most votes may win.
This doesn't guarantee your voted fighter(s) chance a chance in the SSB4 roster but it will go under deep consideration.
Due to this I thought it would be good way for me to comeback until this is over.
So basically if Sakurai keeps up with the DLC, I keep up with the requests
I'm happy to announce that everybody followed the 9 Rules from before perfectly and won't be adding any more rules (until further notice)
So read the rules, wait patiently for your request to be finished and we'll get along just fine.
So let's continue on making these requests and hope the character you want for DLC will get into Smash
I am now officially closing the requests for SSB4
it's Big night before the release of SSB4. Get rested up and collect your copy of SSB4 and go wild with it
Hello, there I’m finished with my fanfic, so I’ll be returning to make SSB4 requests, but there is defiantly going to be a few changes.
Well first off
The previous 8 rules still stand. There won’t be any changes to them (until further notice) and I’m grateful that a large number of you follow those 8.
However I want EVERYONE to read and follow rule 9
9. There will now be a 1 CHARACTER PER COMMENT limit.
The reason I closed down before was because I was receiving ridiculous number of requests. Majority of those numbers belong to just two different users. And those users kept requesting even if their previous requests aren't even posted yet.
I WILL NOT, be accepting comments that have more than one character requests. I will merely reply to you “One character per request,”
And also I WILL NOT be accepting requests even if the user put them in separate comments, that is merely piling up requests as I previously mentioned with the one character per comment.
I’m sorry for being really uptight about this but I’m doing this for 4 reasons.
- I’ve got a paying job. All jobs require your attention. And I work 6am-7pm and only have two days off during the week
- There is some unrelated SSB4 stuff I’d like to post in Deviantart
- I DO have a life outside my job and Deviantart
- But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I’m fed up of people giving me a large number of requests that would require me more than one day to complete.
It’s not fair towards me, because I feel like I’m being taken advantage of on something I generously do for free.
But more importantly, it’s not fair for OTHER Deviants that only have ONE character to request, but I’m too busy spending time on one Deviant’s 10 requests at a time.
So to make it fair for all, I will be accepting requests one at a time per request and YOU CAN have another request, but you need to WAIT UNTIL your previous request is done.
And with work, I’d most likely post every week Hopefully that will calm people down a bit when they request instead of requesting every day.
If you have any further questions to ask or have do not understand, feel free to ask me.
The original 8 rules are just below
For those who have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. If you have seen the SSB4 trailers for the new characters they had a pic saying things like:
Villager: "Comes to Town!" fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/201…
Mega Man: "Joins the Battle!" i1.ytimg.com/vi/wy-yaQkDcSk/ma…
Wii Fit Trainer: "Weighs In!": i.imgur.com/wvxoCW0.jpg
Rosalina and Luma "Launch Into Battle!" www.ugrgaming.com/wp-content/u…
That's what I'll be making.
Due to past experiences with taking requests when I was making Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale fan-made rivalies. I decided to make a few rules.
1. When requesting a character you MUST have an Entry Line for them.
E.g. Dillon: "Rolls into the Fight!"
I CAN'T do ALL the work you need to do your part to. I not going to make a request than later on have people complain "That's not the entry line I wanted." I CAN'T read minds so you need to tell me what you want for you request.
Also there entry line must be appropriate e.g. NO SWEARS
Another thing could you make entry-line relating to the your requested character or Super Smash Bros related
And be a little creative with entry lines, don't be too repetitive otherwise your request will just be boring
2. You HAVE to tell me the MAIN COLOUR of the background YOU want.
3. The background itself for your request IS OPTIONAL, although it would be more easier on me to send a link on what background you would like me to use for request and you don't end up disappointed.
Also you can either tell me what theme of the background you want. E.g. If you want a sunset background for your request than you'll get a sunset background
5. 3rd party characters are okay, basically any character that was or does have a game on the Nintendo system I will do
Also they have to be come from gaming origins, but if there is character that's not from gaming origins, (E.g Mickey Mouse) but ACTUALLY HAS a chance due to there gaming history (Kingdom Hearts and Epic Mickey) I might consider making SSB4 entire for them
6.Also when requesting a character can you please tell me which game they're from.
E.g. Ash Ketchum is from the Pokemon anime and is known to be the star of that anime so I won't do a request of him.
Okay that's it for now let the requests begin!