The Doraemons and friendsEledora on DeviantArt

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The Doraemons and friends



"The Doraemons" is a group of seven Doraemon-like robots, who uses "Friend cards" to communicates when facing villains. They are actully Doraemon's friends when he is studying at the robot school...
As you may have guessed, Dorami isn't in the group. But since's she's Dora the Kid's girlfriend, I still put her in the list. Doraban was The Doraemons' opponent in some of the stories, and Jedora is their friend in school.
The items held in their hand are their special weapons...You may go and find why Doranikov's is a bean bun^^;
(Hmm, my favourite Dora here are Wang Dora and El Mata Dora...but I don't think they have the most attractive lookings...)

Although The Doraemons are not as popular as the Doraemon and Nobita crew, they're my favourite comic series:)
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PokkenDoraemon's avatar
Interesting take on The Doraemons.