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58 Watchers72 Deviations

The Element Legacy [CHAP. 5] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [CHAP. 4] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [Chap. 3] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [CHAP. 2] by Elecstriker, literature

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The Element Legacy [CHAP. 5] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [CHAP. 4] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [Chap. 3] by Elecstriker, literature

The Element Legacy [CHAP. 2] by Elecstriker, literature

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Artist // Student // Varied
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (89)
My Bio

Creator of Saku the Light Wolf :iconsakuthewolfplz: , formerly of Lightning the Copper Hedgehog.

Well... what can I say about my own person? Just tellin' that I love to be outside, like to be free as my character, despite I'm a lil' bit active on my PC. Livin' in Quebec makes me benefiting of its freedom mood. Versatility and kindness summarize well what I'm made of.

I'm from Canadian Flag Stamp by l8


Je suis pas l'artiste de l'heure, mais je me débrouille pas mal xD. J'ai plutôt un talent dans le dessin concret et les sketchs :p (Lick)

Créateur de Saku The Light Wolf :iconsakuthewolfplz: . Anciennement de Lightning The Copper Hedgehog.

Bref, que dire à propos de moi? Disons que je profite pas mal de la nature malgré le fait que je suis plutôt actif sur mon PC. Faut dire que c'est un peu normal dans une place comme le Québec 8D. Polyvalence et gentillesse résument assez bien ma personnalité. XD

Originaire du Canadian Flag Stamp by l8

:iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz: :iconlightningplz:

Sonic fan 4ever :iconohmygodplz:
White/Black artist. I don't use any softwares. Not even colors. Do not ask me for colors. I could make it. But there's such better people than me. Wink/Razz

Artiste dessinant en noir et blanc. Je n'use point d'autre logiciels que mon crayon. Pas de couleurs. Ne me demandez pas de faire de colos. Je pourrais en faire. Mais il y a tellement de personnes meilleures que moi dans le monde Wink/Razz

List of fan characters that I created (to remind myself) /
Liste des fancharas que j'ai créé (c'est un aide-mémoire en fait rofl)


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --      - Manorach the Dragoon
     - Enki the Scorpion
     - Racter the Lizard
     - Seyfar the Mantis


-- -- -- --

SO I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPZ ? :iconiherduliekmudkipzplz:

Charas and friends
[Stamp] Saku the Light Wolf by Elecstriker RQ : Stamp Lighting by Louwky Untitled by [Stamp] Delia the Squirrel by Elecstriker [Stamp] KirbySuperFan by Elecstriker [Stamp] Milkate the Hedgehog by Elecstriker Untitled by [Stamp] Tail27 the robot Fox by Elecstriker Untitled by Neige Stamp by R-no71

Sonic Colors Stamp by Dbzbabe Sneezy Sonic stamp by Vertekins Sonic Lost Worlds Trailer Stamp by Dbzbabe

F-Zero Stamp by StampPKU Falcon PUUUNCH stamp by Littlelinky F-Zero: Don't Give Up by impersonalinfo [Stamp] F-Zero GX by Elecstriker
[Stamp] Lightning (track) by Elecstriker [Stamp] Big Blue by Elecstriker [Stamp] Mute City by Elecstriker [Stamp] Casino Palace by Elecstriker [Stamp] Sand Ocean by Elecstriker [Stamp] Fire Field by Elecstriker [Stamp] Aeropolis Zone by Elecstriker [Stamp] Phantom Road by Elecstriker [Stamp] Port Town by Elecstriker [Stamp] Green Plant by Elecstriker [Stamp] Cosmo Terminal by Elecstriker [Stamp] Outer Space by Elecstriker [Stamp] Mute City by Elecstriker [Stamp] Big Blue by Elecstriker [Stamp] Sand Ocean by Elecstriker [Stamp] Death Wind by Elecstriker [Stamp] Silence by Elecstriker [Stamp] Mute City II by Elecstriker [Stamp] Port Town by Elecstriker [Stamp] Red Canyon by Elecstriker [Stamp] White Land by Elecstriker [Stamp] Mute City III by Elecstriker [Stamp] Fire Field by Elecstriker

Electricity stamp by Sinister666beauty Electricity by FoxThunderbolt Lightning Stamp by AidensBiggestFan Untitled by

Formula 1
[Stamp] Pastor Maldonado Fan by Elecstriker [Stamp] Mark Webber Fan by Elecstriker [Stamp] Kimi Raikkonen Fan by Elecstriker [Stamp] Sergio Perez fan. by Elecstriker

Untitled by The Lion King oo1 by HuskeeStamps True Retor Gamer by NorthboundFox Kakuna Rattata Stamp by Kezzi-Rose Scyther Stamp 0 by ice-fire
Death Note L stamp by xselfdestructive Death Note L stamp by xselfdestructive Near Death Note Stamp by Neyjour Untitled by Black Rock Shooter by azianwolfdoll DEAD MASTER vs BRS by azianwolfdoll Portgas D. Ace by Kaorulov Sanji and Zoro kiss stamp by Okami-Moony One Piece Strawhats Stamp by Zocho Untitled by Transformers Stamp by nakashimariku Disney Mulan Avalanche Stamp by TwilightProwler

Bleach Stamps
Espada Stamp - Starrk by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Barragan by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Halibel by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Ulquiorra by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Nnoitra by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Grimmjow by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Zommari by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Szayel Aporro by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Aaroniero by MissBezz Espada Stamp - Yammy by MissBezz Club submition: Grimmjow Stamp by Grimmjow-FC Grimmjow Stamp by DarknessMyrkur grimm stamp by shannonmari3 XD Grimmjow stamp by Neji-x-HyuugaUntitled by Ulquiorra: Electro World Stamp by MyouriUntitled byUntitled byUntitled by Zaraki Kenpachi Stamp by ZarakiKenpachi-FC 'Being Crazy' Stamp by Formula-UK STAMP: Renji by sunstroke-art Bad Day Renji Stamp by Busiris Freak Ichigo STAMP by FJLinkUntitled byUntitled byUntitled byUntitled by Mugetsu Stamp by BLUEamnesiac Ichimaru Gin Stamp by Krisderp Ichimaru-Bye bye by D33Force Bleach: Aizen godmod stamp by Berrycake

I am a drawer - stamp by crimsonfire3 MS Paint User Stamp by KishiFishy Gimp User Stamp by Darkwizkid:icontoolazy1::icontoolazy2:
Untitled by
Stamps Hates You by Foxxie-Chan
Super Mario Series Stamps : Super Mario Bros 3 by Kevfin

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
Transformers series and Angelique.
Favourite TV Shows
Mythbusters : D
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Fun. (who saved today's music. :heart: )
Favourite Books
Eragon (Inheritance cycle)
Favourite Writers
Chris Paolini, J.K. Rowling, James Patterson
Favourite Games
Mario, Sonic and Zelda. What else ?
Favourite Gaming Platform
All Nintendo consoles.
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests
I'm not interested or interesting. XD
I've never thought I'd reach this amount of happiness anytime in my life. Thank you, really. :iconohjoyplz:As I said once in a previous journal entry, stuff isn't coming and probably will never ever. And my profound disgust in what the Sonic franchise has become right now clearly doesn't help. With Sonic Boom 2 announced, I'm like MEEEEEHHHHH, and I don't even want to be affiliated anymore with Sonic, I'm definitely giving up the series, unless SEGA releases the absolute game of the decade. But well, given the direction taken by SEGA, it'll probably never happen.At least, I can still watch my drawings in my gallery to remember good ol'time...
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0 min read
Reminder: I exist.NB: The simple present verb tense is used wrongly. I should've used the simple past tense. But it was for purpose. Now you're mindblown. NB²: The first NB is a lie. The real purpose is to (fucking) post something lawl. NB³: No drawings upcoming. /done Too busy, shit and stuff like that (read the previous journal if you want.) NB^4: I make Audiosurfs at http://www.youtube.com/user/AtomikkoLS , but it can't be THAT interesting. NB^5: I'm bothering you. Sorry. NB^6: I'm bad person. And a lazy fuck. Sorry². NB^7: That's a lot exponents here, oh my. NB^8: Hi. :iconkimiraikkonenplz:
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Oh shoot, I totally forgot I had a DA account. But still ! Thank you !
Héhooo du bateau, il y a quelqu'un ? :iconhap2plz:

*Sirote sa vodka*