Eldritch-Aberrance on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eldritch-aberrance/art/Behind-You-858917884Eldritch-Aberrance

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Behind You


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W?nd?rl?nd story quest for That Which Is Not, part 1.  Because I am a slug.  

I imagine the Red Room(s) to be strangely.... unsettlingly and impossibly 'simple' while everything in them is relatively normal looking.  Sort of like taking a photograph and sticking it up against a freeze-framed cartoon.  It sort of makes you think that 'none of this is real' u n t i l  i t  c a t c h e s  y o u .

That Which Is Not can't turn around, but the tentacles ARE READY!!!  

[icon] Stygian-Shade by himehorse 
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1800x2400px 2.56 MB
© 2020 - 2024 Eldritch-Aberrance
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CeriMond's avatar

Good tentacles.

They protecc and love

Also TWIN art ;w; I am in love