Paper Texture Pack 01Elaweasel on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Elaweasel's avatar

Paper Texture Pack 01



1. Refrain from leaving obscene comments and rude remarks.

2. Please do not just crop/change color etc, and then resubmit as your own stock/piece. (My pictures are for photo manipulations).

3. Leave me a comment whenever you have used my stock in a creation of yours. This must contain a link to the deviation so I can add to my favorites =D.

4. Please give me credit (Link back to the photo or to my main page in the description of your piece).

5. My stock can be submitted in prints, however please notify me if you intend to do this and give me credit in description as you would with a normal deviation.

6. No claiming as your own !

Thank you :hug:

*************:heart: If you like my stock please consider donating points to me on my profile page :heart:*************
© 2010 - 2025 Elaweasel
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