Texture Your World Contest

14 min read

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Elandria's avatar

Tell us the story of your world in textures!

We are surrounded 24 hours a day by objects that have texture, they may be smooth or bobbly, old or new, bold, bright, shiny or dull. You might see a texture every day and never notice it until you start looking. Do you sit at a desk that's textured, or pass an interesting tree on the way to work or school?

We want you, in the form of a triptych (thats 3 images forming a larger image see example here - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triptych ) to tell us the story of your textured world. Each individual texture should stand on its own, both as a useful resource and as a cohesive part of the whole story. What story you tell through your texture triptych is up to you - but they must be textures that tell a story of your world in some way.

There are 3 categories for this contest, each of which you can submit to twice.

Digital stock
These are textures created digitally by either manipulation of other stock or painting etc

Photographic stock
These are textures which have been photographed with either a film or digital camera with minimal post editing (if you do a lot of post editing on your textures you might want to consider submitting them to the digital category instead)

Traditional stock
These are textures created with traditional media then either scanned or photographed to convert to a digital medium for submission

Submission Examples




Submission Rules

  • Each individual texture making up the triptych must be a minimum width/height of 1000 px
  • Full submission triptych must be a minimum width/height of either 1000 px or 3000 px depending on the orientation/formatting you choose, please see examples above.
  • Each deviant may enter up to 2 times per category. (Essentially that's 2 triptychs per category or 6 textures)
  • Judges reserve the right to eliminate entries that do not meet the minimum size requirements shown above
  • Only complete triptychs will be considered as legitimate entries. (3 textures on 1 file/deviation)
  • Triptychs must be submitted to the correct folder as per the contest category in StockandResources
  • Triptychs must be submitted into the correct Resources /Stock Images /Textures /... sub category depending on their style
  • Judges reserve the right to eliminate entries that are not submitted to the correct gallery or contest folder
  • Entries must be new as of the start date of the contest and must be your own work
  • Please state clearly in the description that the work is being submitted to this contest
  • All contest submissions must adhere to DeviantART's Submission Policy

Important Dates

Start Date
21st January 2013

End Date
11th March 2013

Prize List

Category Winner x3

:bulletorange: 4000 DA Points donated by communityrelations
:bulletorange: 200 DA points from Elandria
:bulletorange: 200 DA points from boldfrontiers
:bulletorange: 100 DA points from So-ghislaine
:bulletorange: 12 month Premium Membership donated by communityrelations
:bulletorange: Exclusive stock pack donated by kuschelirmel-stock & WDWParksGal-Stock
:bulletorange: Features from a whole host of resource groups and stock providers including:
Elandria PirateLotus-Stock CelticStrm-Stock StockandResources ManStock The-Stock-Directory DesigningDivas Dreamers-of-Avalon miontre kirilee kuschelirmel-stock Nameda BKennedy-Photography So-ghislaine WDWParksGal-Stock
:bulletorange: Llama badge from WDWParksGal-Stock

Category Runner Up x3

:bulletorange: 2000 DA points donated by communityrelations
:bulletorange: 100 DA points from Elandria
:bulletorange: 100 DA points from boldfrontiers
:bulletorange: 6 month Premium Membership donated by communityrelations
:bulletorange: Exclusive stock pack donated by WDWParksGal-Stock
:bulletorange: Features from a whole host of resource groups and stock providers including:
Elandria PirateLotus-Stock CelticStrm-Stock StockandResources ManStock The-Stock-Directory DesigningDivas Dreamers-of-Avalon miontre kirilee kuschelirmel-stock Nameda BKennedy-Photography So-ghislaine WDWParksGal-Stock
:bulletorange: Llama badge from WDWParksGal-Stock


:bulletorange: boldfrontiers 's personal favorite entry will receive 100 DA points



:iconpiratelotus-stock: :iconelandria: :iconcelticstrm-stock:

Enter the fascinating world of the triptych image

triptych by leenik :thumb105373412:
e come il vento by touch-the-rainbow
Triptych by TheXILexile . Poppies triptych. by Lp-dream
Triptych by FractalDesire
Triptych. Paper. by deus-and-silma ocean sunset triptych by september28
Tell Me - Triptych by xFotoPhreek

For more information and hints/tips on making the most of your entry please see the following journal -

Community Relations
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gearspec's avatar
Enjoyed the contest, it really had my lazy head thinking.