En Voyageekster on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/ekster/art/En-Voyage-28421913ekster

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En Voyage

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Yay, I got a bit of inspiration back and decided to make a stylized art deco themed wallpaper :D

This one was made for a Mac (icons on the right) since that's what I'm using. So if you're on a PC (icons on left) simply feel free to flip the image around. Ya know, whatever suits you best I suppose.

1280 x 960 Resolution

Alternate size:
1280x800 Version: [link]
1680x1050 Version for widescreen iMacs: [link]

Adobe Illustrator + Photoshop for a teeny bit of texturing

Enjoy! :ahoy:

Now available as a print!
The print version has a vintage white border around it.
Image size
1280x960px 321.16 KB
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