Ekk-the-5ifth on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ekk-the-5ifth/art/Lore-Whitemourner-125727826Ekk-the-5ifth

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Lore Whitemourner



This is another character for a SeventhSanctum.com contest.

The title of this contest was "Extreme Characters" where you take a name from their extreme character name generator and a description from one of their description generators and draw it.

The description I got was this:
This brave lady has slanted slate-gray eyes. Her fine, straight, chalk-white hair is long and is worn in a severe style. She has a graceful build. Her skin is white. She has a small mouth. Her wardrobe is odd, and is mostly blue and white.

her name is Lore Whitemorner

Medium: Adobe photoshop 7.0
Image size
441x820px 69.32 KB
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