Orgree Interfaceejsing on DeviantArt

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ejsing's avatar

Orgree Interface



I believe that a lot of my watchers will be quite happy with this piece.

A lot of people (=badboythemer for instance ;)) have been asking me to do some of "my old tech style". I haven't really had the inspiration for a while, but I started sketching a litte and then, today, I got a client job postponed, so I thought.. Why not? I literally spent my day on it, and here it is.

Give it some love, folks! :)

Sketch can be seen here: [link]
Image size
1200x650px 197.97 KB
© 2009 - 2025 ejsing
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basil81's avatar
Very nice, might I ask if this was done using photoshop or illustrator? I've been dabbling in web design for a bit and I thought I'd pick your brain a bit.