NaiadEithnne on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

January 29, 2016
Naiad by Eithnne is nicely detailed with sparkling highlights and an eyecatcher for its vivid color scheme.
Featured by ErikShoemaker
Eithnne's avatar




In Greek mythology, the Naiads (Ναϊάδες) were a type of water nymph (female spirit) who presided over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water.

They are distinct from river gods, who embodied rivers, and the very ancient spirits that inhabited the still waters of marshes, ponds and lagoon-lakes, such as pre-Mycenaean Lerna in the Argolis.

Naiads were associated with fresh water, as the Oceanids were with saltwater and the Nereids specifically with the Mediterranean, but because the Greeks thought of the world's waters as all one system, which percolated in from the sea in deep cavernous spaces within the earth, there was some overlap. Arethusa, the nymph of a spring, could make her way through subterranean flows from the Peloponnesus, to surface on the island of Sicily.

Stocks used: duskbeguile|JSSanDA|passagere-DA|kuschelirmel-stock|MarjoleinART-Stock|redheadstock|anaRasha-stock|nathies-stock
Rest is my own/painted

EDIT: A DD? Thank youErikShoemaker for featuring it and suggesting it! :jumpingjacks: :mashedpotato: Put your fingers in the air

Thank you everyone for all the :+fav:'s and comments :tighthug:!

Image size
897x600px 1.13 MB
© 2016 - 2025 Eithnne
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catsgamer's avatar

This looks lotus dragon cookie