eisu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eisu/art/Cute-Left-4-Dead-Zombies-107004863eisu

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Cute Left 4 Dead Zombies



Something I did for Comic Fiesta 2008. I drew the initial pencils for this, then :iconaimo: cleaned it up and put in those extra additions, like Tank's leg (original I had the Tank riding a Tank) and the flowers Tank is carrying, the Ice Cream Smoker is eating, the heart and bunny on Hunter, the hot dog on Boomer and the tissues and TV on the Witch. Then, I coloured it. It was made into bookmarks and though we had limited prints, it was sold out. We also made the Survivors bookmark as well, but that was coloured by :iconaimo: so the files are not with me to upload.
Image size
882x255px 118.55 KB
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