Eirian-stock's avatar


Stock & Resources

Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects

This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:onfire: STOCK RULES & TERMS OF USE :onfire:

Hello everyone! :wave: I hope you've been doing well.

So, like the title suggests we haven't been able to be around here as much as usual, and that means we're terribly behind in reading messages and notes. Apologies to all of you who have been forced to wait for a reply for an intolerably long time. So much stuff has piled up that it'll take us while to sort through it all, but we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, guys. :blowkiss: Also, stay tuned for some new stock sometime soon! There will be plenty.

Best wishes,




:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Fighters, Soldiers, Warriors
:bulletblue: Modern And Casual
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups

:bulletpink: Iribel
:bulletpink: Jillianiina
:bulletpink: Nazahnel
:bulletpink: Jaraid


:bulletred: Backgrounds


:bulletorange: Animals
:bulletorange: Plants And Flowers
:bulletorange: Objects
:bulletorange: Cut Out Stock


:bulletyellow: Packages

Exclusive Stock:

:bulletgreen: Exclusive Stock


We have an honour to have and as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of


Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
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Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects

This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:onfire: STOCK RULES & TERMS OF USE :onfire:

:bulletgreen:Illustrating A Stock Rule:bulletgreen:

Hello, artists! I hope you've all been doing well! :wave:
Recently we have got some questions concerning following stock rule:

:bulletred: Artists, attention! Don't just change colors or add a texture. From this day on we won't be accepting this kind of artwork anymore, and we may ask you to remove your work. All images submitted should be altered in such way that it is clear you have used techniques other than a filter or alteration in the colour of the original.

To better illustrate what we mean by this, I've made few images that might help you get the better idea. Obviously these do not cover every artistic aspect – they are simply general guidelines. Also I'd like to make clear that we do not intend to point fingers at anyone. It's everyone's own business what kind of artwork they make – we just prefer that our stock wouldn't be used for retouching, or adding a color/texture overlay or some Photoshop effect which generally takes 3 seconds.

Odds are, many people whom this concerns don't bother reading this but those of you who do – hugs and cookies for you! :hug: :cookie:

1. About color changes:

2. About using stock image as a background for a drawing:

3. About texture usage:

I hope this answers some of your questions. I know that in digital media things are rarely as easy as this, and the lines between photomanipulation and retouching can get vague and blurry, so if you have any concerns, don't hesitate to ask! We, don't bite - seriously. :)
Have fun time creating art!

Best wishes,




:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Fighters, Soldiers, Warriors
:bulletblue: Modern And Casual
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups

:bulletpink: Iribel
:bulletpink: Jillianiina
:bulletpink: Nazahnel
:bulletpink: Jaraid


:bulletred: Backgrounds


:bulletorange: Animals
:bulletorange: Plants And Flowers
:bulletorange: Objects
:bulletorange: Cut Out Stock


:bulletyellow: Packages

Exclusive Stock:

:bulletgreen: Exclusive Stock


We have an honour to have and as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of


Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects

:thumb88577141: Eirian-stock Stamp by Eirian-stock

This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:onfire: STOCK RULES & TERMS OF USE :onfire:


First thing. We have snow! :dummy: I never thought that after last winter's monster drifts I would be happy to see that cold, white stuff anytime soon but here we are. It's been so damn bleak, dark and generally dismal autumn that I can't help but feel relieved. There are only few hours of daylight per day up here in the North so without the snow on the ground it really feels like living in a dungeon.

Second thing. We participated in few contests and won! :dummy: :dummy: Our stock won the model portion in shelldevil's Thriller Resource Contest shelldevil.deviantart.com/jour…, and another was nominated the best stock image in TragicStockers' When the Hero Dies Contest.  EDIT: We also just found out that we won the first place in StockandResources' Free Fantasy Resource Contest stockandresources.deviantart.c…! Thank you ever so much! these were our entries:
Young Dracula II by Eirian-stock Game Over by Eirian-stock Fairy Piper I by Eirian-stock

Third thing. Thanks to all of you who have used our stock photos and shown interest to what we do! :dummy: :dummy: :dummy: Keep up good work - we love to see those wonderful pieces you've made by using our resources. Thanks also for all the faves, comments, watchs and pageviews! We're more than glad you have found our stock inspiring. :heart:

Best wishes,


Some amazing art made of our stock:

When Will my Life Begin by Lamorien Forever sleeping by MadameThenadier Belle by Elf-in-mirror
Hansel and Gretel by DariaAzolina Shaman by Muttlyn
:thumb263323365: :thumb216597971:
Sunset Rider by Kechake Burning II by MirellaSantana Calling all the Fairies by irinama
:thumb270803025: medieval harbor by binouse49
Moon Goddess by AmberCrystalElf Solstice Light by WildWoodArtsCo The Blue Novel by JulieLangford
BG Nukari Finland River by HouseofChabrier What A Wonderful World by tizjezzme
:thumb260781384: Book of Days by LadyPingu Misunderstanding by Drake1024
Pumpkin witch by ArtbyValerie :thumb272378406:




:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Fighters, Soldiers, Warriors
:bulletblue: Modern And Casual
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups

:bulletpink: Iribel
:bulletpink: Jillianiina
:bulletpink: Nazahnel
:bulletpink: Jaraid


:bulletred: Backgrounds


:bulletorange: Animals
:bulletorange: Plants And Flowers
:bulletorange: Objects
:bulletorange: Cut Out Stock


:bulletyellow: Packages

Exclusive Stock:

:bulletgreen: Exclusive Stock


We have an honour to have :iconiardacil-stock: and :iconkittyd-stock: as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of

:iconstockcommunity: :iconfi:

Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects

This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:onfire: STOCK RULES & TERMS OF USE :onfire:


:bulletgreen:Stock From Finland:bulletgreen:

There are not too many Finnish stock artists around that I know of but every now and then I come across stock images provided by fellow Finns. I decided to put together this collection so I could share some of my personal favorites.
Take a look and see what they have to offer! :#1:

Best wishes,




:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Fighters, Soldiers, Warriors
:bulletblue: Modern And Casual
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups

:bulletpink: Iribel
:bulletpink: Jillianiina
:bulletpink: Nazahnel
:bulletpink: Jaraid


:bulletred: Backgrounds


:bulletorange: Animals
:bulletorange: Plants And Flowers
:bulletorange: Objects
:bulletorange: Cut Out Stock


:bulletyellow: Packages

Exclusive Stock:

:bulletgreen: Exclusive Stock


We have an honour to have and as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of


Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects

This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:onfire: STOCK RULES & TERMS OF USE :onfire:


Greetings from rainy and bleak Finland once again! I hope everyone is doing well. Warm days have come to an end up here in the North, and looking back this summer was pretty great when it comes to stock images. We've had many fun photoshoots and we visited numerous interesting places during past few months - and apparently we got a bit carried away by all the excitement. According to DeviantART stats we hit the new record this July by submitting 202 images during that month. What on Earth? :faint: I truly hope you haven't grown tired of us flooding your message center just yet. :XD:
Anyway, we haven't got the chance to submit even nearly everything we have photographed during this summer, so you can expect some more medieval stuff, landscapes and different themes in near future. I hope you'll enjoy the stuff we have in store for you.
Time has passed so fast and our subscription is expiring in few weeks. So it will be time to put all those generously donated points into a good use soon. Thank you so much for everyone who has supported us during past few months. We appreciate it a lot! :thanks: :heart: Special thanks goes to who kindly gave us a 3 months sub a while back. Those who wish to promote us, take a look at our exclusive stock collection :pointr: eirian-stock.deviantart.com/ga… There you might find little something in exchange of your points.
Recently there have been some wonderful uses of our stock - see the feature below for some of those many beauties. Once again thanks to all of you who have used our stock photos and shown interest to what we do. Keep up good work - we love to see those wonderful pieces you've made by using our resources. Thanks also for all the faves, comments, watchs and pageviews! We're more than glad you have found our stock inspiring. :heart:

Best wishes,

Some amazing art made of our stock:




:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Fighters, Soldiers, Warriors
:bulletblue: Modern And Casual
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups

:bulletpink: Iribel
:bulletpink: Jillianiina
:bulletpink: Nazahnel
:bulletpink: Jaraid


:bulletred: Backgrounds


:bulletorange: Animals
:bulletorange: Plants And Flowers
:bulletorange: Objects
:bulletorange: Cut Out Stock


:bulletyellow: Packages

Exclusive Stock:

:bulletgreen: Exclusive Stock


We have an honour to have and as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of


Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
Join the community to add your comment. Already a deviant? Log In

Illustrating A Stock Rule by Eirian-stock, journal

Snow + Winners + Features by Eirian-stock, journal

Featuring Stock From Finland by Eirian-stock, journal

Autumn Is Here + Features by Eirian-stock, journal

Daily Deviation + Features by Eirian-stock, journal