Stock Rules and Terms of Use

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Eirian-stock's avatar

Female Models | Male Models | Children | Groups | Backgrounds | Packages | Animals | Objects


This is a stock-account maintained by :iconiribel:. If not stated otherwise all photos in this account are meant for artists to be used. This means you don't have to ask our permission to use our images – that's what they are here for. However, if you wish to use our stocks, please follow the rules indicated below:

:spotlight-left: :bulletred:RULES:bulletred: :spotlight-right:

:onfire: :bulletred: By downloading and using my stock you are agreeing to abide by the following terms of use. Be aware that we update these rules from time to time, so make sure you are familiar with the current rules. If you have any questions about them, don't hesitate to note us! If you don't follow the rules we may have to ask you to remove your artwork.

:bulletred: Our stock does not belong to the public domain – you must be a member of DeviantART to use them.

:bulletred: Credit us and link back to us on the description of your final work. Credit us using :iconEirian-stock : or :devEirian-stock : (without the last space). Also copy the link of the used stock to your artist comments.

:bulletred: Let us know that you have used our stock by commenting on the stock you've used or sending a note. We'd love to see your creation! Please make sure that your link is leading to the right place – it takes us three times longer to trace your work if the link is broken, and on some occations we may not be able to locate your work at all.

:bulletred: Please, no distasteful use of stock. We don't mind macabre or horror in most cases but please use your common sense – especially when children are concerned.

:bulletred: You can use our stock outside the deviantART. You don't need to ask our permission for using them outside the dA, but you still do need to credit us and link back to our account. Also note us about the usage so we can see the final artwork.

:bulletred: You may not use our stock to make another stock! You may not repost them outside deviantART either, sell them as they are, or claim them as your own.

:new: :bulletred: Artists, attention! Don't just change colors or add a texture. From this day on we won't be accepting this kind of artwork anymore, and we may ask you to remove your work. All images submitted should be altered in such way that it is clear you have used techniques other than a filter or alteration in the colour of the original. For clarification and some examples take a look at this journal entry:…

:bulletred: If you wish to use our stock in a deviantART print, feel free to do so - you don't need to ask our permission for dA prints.

:new: :bulletred: No any other commercial use without our permission. If you want to purchase rights to some of our images or negotiate about commercial use, contact us via note. If you want to offer our stock as a print outside the dA, please ask us first!

:bulletred: And the most important - be creative and have fun!


Meet also our crew of stock shooters and models:

We Are Eirian-stock by Eirian-stock


Our stocks by category&theme:


:bulletblue: Fantasy
:bulletblue: Dark
:bulletblue: Emotional
:bulletblue: Seasonal
:bulletblue: Children
:bulletblue: Groups
:bulletblue: Dresses

:bulletblue: Iribel
:bulletblue: Jillianiina
:bulletblue: Nazahnel


:bulletblue: Backgrounds


:bulletblue: Animals
:bulletblue: Objects


:bulletblue: Packages


We have an honour to have :iconiardacil-stock: and :iconkittyd-stock: as our stock-sisters. Check out their wonderful galleries - you won't be disappointed! :w00t:

Check out also :iconcreatebyweek:'s weekly challenge!

Proud member of

:iconstockcommunity: :iconfi:

Rest of the clubs can be found in the "Groups" widget.
© 2011 - 2025 Eirian-stock
anonymous's avatar
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UmbrellaFighter's avatar
Good day. Can I use By The Window II as a piece to create a book cover? Please contact me with details for commercial use.