Muteeileenirma on DeviantArt

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eileenirma's avatar




I just remember a story when me and my friend got caught by a police officer for breaking a traffic light.
It was yellow.... I know it's bad.
Either me and my friend didn't have a driving license at that time. But somehow we're managed to avoid some detention.... by playing mute, I guess the policeman feels pity on us.
I just covered my mouth with two hands.... I couldn't even stand of laughing, look at the other side, take a deep breath and said "I'm sorry, he's mute opsir, he just want to learn to drive, we're really sorry, it won't happen again"

And this piece, I dedicated for my "muted" friend, (you're nuts)

Guys, please.... don't try this at home! very dangerous.
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Maksn's avatar
epic story is epic. Real mute people would frown at your friend, but the lulz of the story and the gorgeous art makes up for it. <: