Amazing (Words)Ehsartem on DeviantArt

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Amazing (Words)



Plz Don't Forget ★+

Hey - Bye Fella (Reactions)Hey! 
(for view all my Emoticons - click "+add media" then search my tags " Ehsartem " or " Ehsan ")

Right fella (Reactions)if You want to use these Emoticons, type and search series tag; " ehsanletters " in the +add media on your comment!
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and for use on other deviantart place, copy and paste this phrase without the stars * also change the sightly ThumbNumbers;
<*da:emoticon id="472860426" profile="deviation"*>
< Alphabets > 

*A (Alphabets)*B (Alphabets)*C (Alphabets)*D (Alphabets)*E (Alphabets)*F (Alphabets)*G (Alphabets)*H (Alphabets)*I (Alphabets)*J Alphabets (Words)*K Alphabets (Words)*L Alphabets (Words)*M Alphabets (Words)*N Alphabets (Words)*O Alphabets (Words)*P (Alphabets)*Q (Alphabets)*R (Alphabets)*S (Alphabets)*T (Alphabets)*U (Alphabets)*V (Alphabets)*W (Alphabets)*X (Alphabets)*Y (Alphabets)*Z (Alphabets)*

Right fella (Reactions)if You want to use these Emoticons, type and search series tag; " ehsannums " in the +add media on your comment!
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and for use on other deviantart place, copy and paste this phrase without the stars * also change the sightly ThumbNumbers;
<*da:emoticon id="501567621" profile="deviation"*>
< Numbers > 

*1 ( Numbers )*2 ( Numbers )*3 ( Numbers )*4 ( Numbers )*5 ( Numbers )*6 ( Numbers )*7 ( Numbers )*8 ( Numbers )*9 ( Numbers )*0 ( Numbers )*

Right fella (Reactions)if You want to use these Emoticons, type and search series tag; " ehsansymbols " in the +add media on your comment!
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and for use on other deviantart place, copy and paste this phrase without the stars * also change the sightly ThumbNumbers;
<*da:emoticon id="501569665" profile="deviation"*>
< Symbols > 

*[ Bracket (Symbols)*] Bracket (Symbols)*( Bracket (Symbols)*) Bracket (Symbols)** Asterisk (Symbols)*. Bullet,Interpunct,full Stop,Period (Symbols)*: Colon (Symbols)*x Multiplication (Symbols)*And,Ampersand (Symbols)*# NumberSign,Pound,Hash (Symbols)*! Exclamation mark (Symbols)*+ Plus (Symbols)*/ Slash,Stroke,Solidus (Symbols)*\ Backslash (Symbols)*? Question mark (Symbols)*~ Tilde (Symbols)*-_ Dash,Minus,Underscore,Hyphen (Symbols)*@ At sign (Symbols)*% Obelus,Basis,Point percent,Per mil (Symbols)*

Right fella (Reactions)if You want to use these Emoticons, type and search series tag; " ehsanwords " in the +add media on your comment!
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and for use on other deviantart place, copy and paste this phrase without the stars * also change the sightly ThumbNumbers;
<*da:emoticon id="472860426" profile="deviation"*>
< Words >

*Amazing (Words)*Happy (Words)*Birthday (Words)*It's (Words)*My (Words)*Pleasure (Words)*Thanks (Words)*For (Words)*Llama (Words)*Point (Words)*Watch (Words)*You (Words)*Are (Words)*most (Words)*welcome (Words)*

DeviantArt Flag Flag series;
✖✐Cheers fella (party) Party series;
✖✐✐✐Fella Heart Kiss (Love) Love series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐Gangster fella (Actions) Actions series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Vomiting Fella (Reactions) Reactions series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Serviceman Fella ( Works ) Works series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Da Vinci Fella (Artists) Artists  series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐DJ Fella ( Music Band ) Music Band series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Deviant World fella (Universe) Universe series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Boxer fella (Sports) Sports series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Remember Robin williams ( Star ) Stars series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Llama fella (Badges) Badges series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Meow fella (Smileys) Smileys series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Ok fella (Messages) Messages series;
✖✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐✐Amazing (Words) Words series;
messages message alert stick sticker animation replay answer thank you ok YW welcome NP no problem happy birth day communication piece of information news note memorandum memo email letter missive report bulletin,communiqué dispatch message dispatch errand word line script bar calligraphy message mark piece of wood twig small branch; cane pole post stake upright term name expression designation locution vocable appellation word words font type font font source spring fountain well font fount fusion font type kind sort variety class category set genre species order breed race style nature manner rank generation vintage stamp ilk cast grain mold stripe brand flavor keyboard clavier awesome awesome breathtaking awe-inspiring magnificent wonderful amazing stunning staggering imposing stirring impressive formidable fearsome dreaded mind-boggling mind-blowing jaw-dropping excellent marvelous wondrous awful amazing astonishing astounding surprising stunning staggering shocking startling stupefying breathtaking awesome awe-inspiring sensational remarkable spectacular stupendous phenomenal extraordinary incredible unbelievable mind-blowing jaw-dropping wondrous bravo bravoo halo hullo good nice incerdible perfect wow omg omfg wtf oh uh ah ahh really odd odd strange peculiar weird queer funny bizarre abnormal eccentric unusual unconventional outlandish quirky zany wacky kooky screwy freaky oddball offbeat off the wall out there; strange unusual peculiar funny curious bizarre weird uncanny queer outré unexpected unfamiliar abnormal atypical anomalous different out of the ordinary out of the way exceptional rare extraordinary remarkable puzzling mystifying mysterious perplexing baffling unaccountable uncommon irregular singular deviant aberrant freak freakish fishy freaky bravo well done welldone splendid congratulations brava encore take a bow attaboy attagirl ehsanalphabets amazing astonishing astounding surprising stunning staggering shocking startling stupefying breathtaking awesome awe inspiring sensational remarkable spectacular stupendous phenomenal extraordinar incredible unbelievable mind blowing jaw dropping wondrous
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