EgonDaLatz's avatar


Sorry for existing
493 Watchers249 Deviations


Reto visits the kobold nurse


274212 deviations
Hiding girl (Patreon reward)


53 deviations
Nature Walk

My Little Pony - and Related

14105 deviations
Reto visits the kobold nurse


36216 deviations
That Place

Personal Favorites

723 deviations
Pause and Pride

Commissions, Fanart, Raffle Prizes

18 deviations


Directory Need Help?: Mane Cast: Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy Other Characters: Spike Princess Celestia Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon Cutie Mark Crusaders Derpy Hooves Trixie The Apple Family (Big Mac, Granny Smith, Braeburn, etc.) DJ-PON3 Lyra Heartstrings Multiple Characters Other Young Ponies (Diamond Tiara, Twist, Snails, etc.) Other Mares (BonBon, Lyra, Cheerilee etc.) Other Stallions (Dr. Hooves, Prince Blueblood, Fancy Pants, etc.) Non-Ponies (Chrysalis, Discord, Gilda, Other Animals, etc.) Original Characters Other As...

Emoticons and PLZ Accounts

10 deviations
Batmobile Keaton Edition


1577 deviations
TriCities Departure 2

I Like Trains...

635 deviations
Classic Tatra

Urban Transportation

995 deviations

Planes and Ships

115 deviations
Lego Batman The Animated Series 1992 Batmobile 202


136 deviations
Cadance's Shadow

My Little Pony - and Related 5

48869 deviations
RivFleel (My OC Shipping)

My Little Pony - and Related 4

44825 deviations
Trying not to laugh

My Little Pony - and Related 3

43286 deviations

My Little Pony - and Related 2

42023 deviations
Echo. CM

My Little Pony - and Related 1

41188 deviations
Climbing squirrel / Kletterndes Eichhoernchen

Buildings, Cities, Wildlife

295 deviations
Observing all the nature chants

Tutorials, References

431 deviations

ArtSpacious Failed by Head Dev [Blue]

It's been 1 year and 5 months since I left ArtSpacious, and for those who don't know my history with it, I'll keep it brief: I was there from the concept of the site when it was talked about in Fintron's server. I started out as a moderator, eventually becoming head moderator (I wrote the moderator guide and relayed messages for Ruanly, who was then the owner alongside Blue and Fintron also as owners). From there, I moved into roles like community manager and creative manager, and when Ruanly and Fintron left, I even became a partial owner. By August 2023, after months of repeated delays and unfulfilled promises, I had already been considering leaving. Despite my ongoing concerns, nothing had changed. So, before finally stepping down, I decided to directly ask Blue one last time this exact quote: "I do want to ask one more thing: are you going to stay and try and do this project? Or are you going to keep having this go along? Since that's unfair for everyone waiting. I know I've said


91 deviations