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| 9 votes
Global-Photos Contest LIGHTs * CLOSED :iconglobal-photos:
All participants are voting to find our winners and they'll be revealed on the 20th January.
Stay tuned.
Hello to all members of Global-Photos
I thought it would be fun to have a contest. I really like contests!
Even if you don't win, it's nice to participate - you can show your work to others!
So, what is my idea for this contest?
To run a contest in 2 categories, Photography and Photomanipulation, with the theme "LIGHTs".
What do I want to see?
Anything related to light: it can be a candle, a fireplace, a rainbow, a strange glow, sun rays, xmas lights, dim light or bright light (but, please photographers, don't photograph the sun!: you'll ruin your camera, your eyes and ours!).
Some examples of beautiful lights:
CONTEST PORTRAITS - Winners :icongroupsplz::iconsoulcollectors:
Hello to all Soul Collectors
The votes are all counted and now I can announce the Winners:
1st place - 1000
2nd place - 600
3rd place - 400
1st place - 1000
2nd place - 600
3rd place - 400
You can find all participant works here:
CONTEST Traditional Art
CONTEST Digital Art ht - OPEN
Monthly Themes DECEMBER_SANTAandGIFTsHello dear members
Our Group is again a Super Group, so we are able to use the Poll System again.
Mixing the previous idea (the Poll Folder) with the new Thematic folder we have a better way to expose your works - The Monthly Theme Folder
Prepare to have some fun, have your work featured and win a prize.
All media works, old or new, will be accepted as long they fit the theme: all things relate to Christmas.
You may submit one work per week starting on the 1st December until the 20th.
For every 10 works a poll will be posted.
The rules will be the same as the previous POLL PERIOD with few exceptions and you may find them here .
Remember, your piece may be old or new.
1. Click
I was interviewed by @deviantHEART
| 7 votes
Hi, welcome to the last giveaway *waves*
| 24 votes
- Sorry, I didn't have the time to reply to the last giveaway, but I will soon.
- And there will be a winner of the 20
- But I wanted to go ahead and post the last question: WHICH IS/ARE YOUR FAVOURITE WORK(S) IN YOUR OWN GALLERY? Tell me a bit about it/them.
- I'll make a feature with all the works and one of the participants will win 20 points.
- Have fun
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Sure, I will go through the rules and details now.
Thanks for creating such program.
Thanks for creating such program.