Featuring ALL The Colours of Renewal WINNERS

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We are still celebrating The Colours of Renewal!


Winners announced here: The Primal Colours of Renewal - WINNERS!!!:icontransparentplz:
Hello to all members of TheFavouriteShowcase:thumb213691874:
As promised after all this delay, here are the results for our annual contest "The Primal Colours of Renewal"!
Again, like last year, we had some works which could have won a prize and didn't because the authors didn't vote, it's really a shame :shrug:
*To compensate the ones who have voted for all categories without having to, I have a surprise with one more prize, :eager: keep reading!
Thank you for all your support!
:star: Our 2nd Contest  :star:
The Primal Colours of Renewal
And the winners are:
:winner: 1st Place
:bulletpink: Prize:  6 months subscription to Premium Membership (or the correspondent points) given by Egil21

:iconredheart-plz: RED :iconvishw:
"Solitude II"
Solitude II by Vishw
:iconyellowheartplz: YELLOW :iconrctfan2:
"Fields of Gold"
Fields of Gold by rctfan2
:iconblueheartplz: BLUE :icondukeofspade:

Hello dear friends, watchers and members of TheFavouriteShowcase

This is a blog to feature all the winners of our annual contest, "The Colours of Renewal", this year's edition celebrating the primal colours.



Solitude II by Vishw

Ganapati Bappa... by Vishw Swan by Vishw

Dream... by Vishw Grace by Vishw

Marilyn by Vishw Madonna by Vishw


Fields of Gold by rctfan2

Great Blue Heron by rctfan2 The Island by rctfan2

Female Hairy Woodpecker by rctfan2 Eastern Blue Bird by rctfan2

Fulgent by rctfan2 Blue Ridge Mountains by rctfan2


Cleaning time by dukeofspade

I love Honey by dukeofspade Everyday is Love by dukeofspade

Buoyancy by dukeofspade Oxygen by dukeofspade

I am smiling by dukeofspade don't try by dukeofspade


Big Red by IvanAndreevich

Ice Dune by IvanAndreevich Zen by IvanAndreevich

Phoenix Rising by IvanAndreevich Flats by IvanAndreevich

Middle Kingdom by IvanAndreevich


The Best of Friends by SharonLeggDigitalArt

No Time To Stop And Stare by SharonLeggDigitalArt Adrift by SharonLeggDigitalArt

Remember the Dance by SharonLeggDigitalArt

Elegance by SharonLeggDigitalArt


Springtime by LadyCarnal

Blooming by LadyCarnal Bubbles by LadyCarnal

Far away across the fields by LadyCarnal An old summer in poppyland by LadyCarnal

Forget Me Not by LadyCarnal


Poppy Version 2 by FrancescaDelfino

Pink roses 1 by FrancescaDelfino Yellow roses by FrancescaDelfino

Tuscan countryside by FrancescaDelfino


Pollen Bath by Miztliyuma

In my Dreams 5 by Miztliyuma Oriole Oil by Miztliyuma

Droste Effect 3 by Miztliyuma

Mature Content

Over The clouds XXXV by Miztliyuma


Grandfather Tree ~ Spring 1.0 by quasi-Virtuoso

Downtown by quasi-Virtuoso Private by quasi-Virtuoso

Beautiful Day by quasi-Virtuoso Surprise! by quasi-Virtuoso

And some more winners (feature game) egil21.deviantart.com/journal/…

HELLO! We are still celebrating The Colours of Renewal!
See the winners here: The Primal Colours of Renewal - WINNERS!!!:icontransparentplz:
Hello to all members of TheFavouriteShowcase:thumb213691874:
As promised after all this delay, here are the results for our annual contest "The Primal Colours of Renewal"!
Again, like last year, we had some works which could have won a prize and didn't because the authors didn't vote, it's really a shame :shrug:
*To compensate the ones who have voted for all categories without having to, I have a surprise with one more prize, :eager: keep reading!
Thank you for all your support!
:star: Our 2nd Contest  :star:
The Primal Colours of Renewal
And the winners are:
:winner: 1st Place
:bulletpink: Prize:  6 months subscription to Premium Membership (or the correspondent points) given by Egil21

:iconredheart-plz: RED :iconvishw:
"Solitude II"
Solitude II by Vishw
:iconyellowheartplz: YELLOW :iconrctfan2:
"Fields of Gold"
Fields of Gold by rctfan2
:iconblueheartplz: BLUE :icondukeofspade:

All members who have entered the contest and who have voted in all categories without having to, have now the chance to win 2 prizes: 383 points (the same prize as the 3rd place) and another prize of 190 points!
Why? Because they took the time to participate, to get involved in the group actions and to help the winners by voting :thanks:
Well, this (like the idea behind our Poll System), will be a game of exposure...with some prizes at the end :D
The idea is simple: each member entering our contest who voted the 3 categories without having to (i.e. members participating only on one or two categories), have now the possibility to win a prize (383 points for the 1st place and 190 for the 2nd) - one of their participating works or the only participating work on the contest is featured here with a

(please acknowledge your prizes by commenting)

:winner: 383 points

:iconsesam-is-open:......18... 108 votes

Golden Quintet by sesam-is-open

Tranquility by sesam-is-open Single Beauty by sesam-is-open

:winner: 190 points

:iconfriendfrog:......29... 59 votes

Blue Dreams by FriendFrog

River Goddess by FriendFrog First Lamb by FriendFrog

And 3 of the friends who voted will receive 100 points each:

:iconpatty110692: :iconsabinzart:  :iconleafyirene:

:bulletgreen: You can see all the works entering this contest in our Contest Folders:
    RED thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar… YELLOW thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar…  and BLUE thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar… ;

Prizes for all winners:

Features on  TheFavouriteShowcase's blog.

Features on Egil21's journal.

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:iconsesam-is-open: The Primal Colours of Renewal - WINNERS!The :iconthefavouriteshowcase: Group held every year a beautiful Contest - The Primal Colours of Renewal :iconthefavouritecontests::iconthefavouritecontest2:
This year, where chosen three colors to represent the wonderful renewal of nature -  red, yellow and blue.:love:
Here are the talented artists who won this Contest.:clap:
Let's show them some love and appreciation.:heart:
:iconredflowerplz: RED :iconredflowerplz:
Pixel Trophy by Sirithre First Place goes to :iconvishw: with the entry:   Solitude II by Vishw
More from this Artist work:clap:
Breathe by Vishw Beautiful... by Vishw Dream... by Vishw Manisha... by Vishw Floating Temple IX by Vishw Hrithik by Vishw Enjoy the Rain... by Vishw Unfinished by Vishw On one leg... by Vishw
:winner: Second Place goes to :iconivanandreevich: with the entry:  Big Red by IvanAndreevich
More from this Artist work:clap:
Sign of the Horns by IvanAndreevich Almost Summer by IvanAndreevich Mesmerized by IvanAndreevich Different by IvanAndreevich Heavy by IvanAndreevich Wonderland - Landscape Calendar #2 by IvanAndreevich Tears of Heaven by IvanAndreevich White on White by IvanAndreevich
:winner: Third Place goes to

 :iconjoannamoory: The Winners of the Primal Colours of Renewal:iconthefavouritecontests::iconthefavouritecontest2: a contest by :iconthefavouriteshowcase:
The Primal Colours of Renewal https://thefavouriteshowcase.deviantart.com/journal/The-Primal-Colours-of-Renewal-WINNERS-313370020 Golden dA by Droneguard
Trophy by PokeartKid RED
:iconredheart-plz: 1st Place :iconvishw: Solitude II by Vishw More from the artist: Longing... by Vishw
:iconredheart-plz: 2nd Place :iconivanandreevich: Big Red by IvanAndreevich More from the artist: Heavy by IvanAndreevich
:iconredheart-plz: 3rd place :iconladyfataphotography: Poppy Version 2 by FrancescaDelfino More from the artist: Gerbera with drops by FrancescaDelfino
Trophy by PokeartKid YELLOW
:iconyellowheartplz: 1st Place :iconrctfan2: Fields of Gold by rctfan2 More from the artist: The Island by rctfan2
:iconyellowheartplz: 2nd Place :iconsharonleggdigitalart: The Best of Friends by SharonLeggDigitalArt More from the artist: No Time To Stop And Stare by SharonLeggDigitalArt
:iconyellowheartplz: 3rd place :iconmiztliyuma: Pollen Bath by Miztliyuma More from the artist: Red Silk by Miztliyuma
Trophy by PokeartKid BLUE
:iconblueheartplz: 1st Place :icondukeofspade: :thumb30961234

:iconart-collaborations: :thumb314638871:

:iconzakkiya29: The Primal Colors Of Renewal-WINNERS!The bounties of the beautiful Mother Nature are endless.
We can also do so as to wish we enjoy this fruitful sweetness till the end of eternity

Every year 
 holds a wonderful contest called 

The Primal Colors Of Renewal

The Colors  RED ,YELLOW and BLUE  were chosen so as to represent the beautiful colors of Mother Nature this year and many wonderful artists had submitted beautiful works of art

:icontrophyplz:Here is featuring the winners of the contest:icontrophyplz:


1st place goes to 
for the entry
Solitude II by Vishw

More from the artist:
Pain... by Vishw Robert Duvall by Vishw Longing... by Vishw


:iconsvenjaliv: Quick update, giveaway, and contest winners!I've been really remiss in posting and commenting around here, I know. Life has been hectic. Some of my family members went nuts, and I wound up spending FAR too much time looking at legal documents and reading up on German law. Protip: never do this. German law is some of the most boring, awkwardly-phrased literature you'll ever find. :roll:
So I've had fairly little free time. Things should hopefully relax a little now, though, and let me get back to looking at everyone's gorgeous art! I have over 50,000 messages in my inbox right now. :faint: If I've missed anything that I should really see, please please tell me!
To make up for my lack of activity at least a little, I'm doing a giveaway! :aww: Up for grabs is this drawing of Jensen:
Just leave a comment on this journal with the :star: smiley somewhere in it. The code for that is : star: without the space. I'll pick a random person from all the entrants and they'll win the drawing!
And finally - I promised to

:iconnikkidoodlesx3: The Primal Colours of Renewal WinnersContest hosted by: :iconthefavouriteshowcase:
1st place
"Solitude II"
Solitude II by Vishw
"Fields of Gold"
Fields of Gold by rctfan2
"Cleaning Time"
Cleaning time by dukeofspade
2nd place
"Big Red"
Big Red by IvanAndreevich
"The Best of Friends"
The Best of Friends by SharonLeggDigitalArt
Springtime by LadyCarnal
3rd place:
"Poppy Version 2"
Poppy Version 2 by FrancescaDelfino
"Pollen Bath"
Pollen Bath by Miztliyuma
"Grandfather Tree"
Grandfather Tree ~ Spring 1.0 by quasi-Virtuoso

If I forgot anyone please let me know.
If someone wants to add a feature let me know too and I'll add your icon.

:clap: CONGRATS TO ALL! Thanks for participating!

:bulletgreen: You can find all the rules to the contest here thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar…


:iconsomeconfettiplz:YOU CAN SEE THE WINNERS HERE: thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar…

:thumb197780095: ATTENTION! This has nothing to do with our Poll Period!

The Poll Folder is open! Submit to win a 3 months subscription (more info on FAQs in our front page and on this blog thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar…).

You can vote on the August Period Polls here thefavouriteshowcase.deviantar… or in our frontpage.

Elsa, Egil21 :iconpinklilyplz: on behalf of  :iconthefavouriteshowcase:


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ZuhaLoveMusic's avatar
HI! Thanks for favs and watch! <3