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The Eggs of DA
6 Watchers1 Deviation
  • Deviant for 21 years
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)


0 min read
From Eme:Well guys, it's time I said goodbye.  Whether or not this club stays up and running is completely Mishi's business now, because as you've seen from the lack of updates.... I'm just not in a place with enough time to deal with this currently.  I may or may not be back at some later time... ^_^ But don't stop the lurve.  Feel free to drop by my regular dev page anytime you want.  I'm going to force myself to keep that updated, at least a little. ^_-  Farewell for now, my eggs, and have fun!
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0 min read
Greetings from your egg founders: :iconemeraldflame: Eme and :iconmishi: MishiI guess I was a little too mindless of all the people who would take us too seriously. Therefore, I'm restating what this club is about in a different way:ANYONE can join, so long as they love and respect Japan and it's culture/history.  Let's have no more flamers, ok?  I'm sorry, as I was a wee bit exaggerated in outlines for the club before. -_-; I was pretty much ASKING to be flamed.----------------------------------------------------:bulletgreen: JOINING Send a note entitled "Joining"  to the CLUB.   Don't leave comments on the page asking, or send them to Em...
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0 min read
Greetings from your egg founders: :iconemeraldflame: Eme and :iconmishi: MishiI guess I was a little too mindless of all the people who would take us too seriously. Therefore, I'm restating what this club is about in a different way:ANYONE can join, so long as they love and respect Japan and it's culture/history.  Let's have no more flamers, ok?  I'm sorry, as I was a wee bit exaggerated in outlines for the club before. -_-; I was pretty much ASKING to be flamed.----------------------------------------------------:bulletgreen: JOINING Send a note entitled "Joining"  to the CLUB.   Don't leave comments on the page asking, or send them to Em...
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Profile Comments 31

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Hi there,

Very nice to see you guys here. Hope we can build a strong connection between us as friends and deviants. We'll watch you.
I live in Japan and am an authentic domestic Japanese!
I want to participate.=)
well...I live in
Right, let me see if I have this straight - you are ashamed of being caucasian and thus want to assimilate into an oriental culture? 0_0

God, things like this really annoy me. Look, I have no problems with non-Eureopean cultures (in fact, I draw a lot of my lifestyle from Asain cultures), but when people begin to preach that one culture is better than all the others, especially if they're not even *from* that culture, that is where I draw the line.

If you are self-loathers, please do not try to bring the rest of our race down to your level. I know how effective today's media is in daemonising caucasians and blowing our history way out of proportion (not to mention censoring all of the atrocties other races have committed on us over the years), but self-loathing is not the way to go.

Fellow caucasians - you should be proud of your race and yoru heritage. Orientals, negroes, likewise. This world cannot achieve equality if we all try to be something we're not. Be proud of your own people and tolerant of others - that is all anyone can really ask of you.
Orientals? Negroes?

Holy archaisms batman!
Um...did I do something wrong?
They're archaisms. Old words. Like, negro, oriental, social disease, thou, betwixt, groovy and the rest of the words. You don't hear them anymore, because they sound backwards, cumbersome, or just plain old.

Technically, (according to the OED) Orientals is a derogatory word, to put it in the words of an activist, "Rugs are oriental. People aren't."