efyri on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/efyri/art/Headless-Horseman-Free-182253037efyri

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efyri's avatar

Headless Horseman-Free



The Headless Horseman from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving.

Rules: read them.
:bulletorange: Credit me in your signature. (:dev efyri: without the space)

:bulletorange: Do not edit in anyway.

:bulletorange: Only use on Deviant Art.

:bulletorange:You must comment and let me know you are using my avatar.

Since I like to always change my avatar for Halloween, I decided to go looking for a pixel avatar of the headless horseman. But I couldn't find one. Maybe I just missed it or something-I know the search engine didn't want to work for me to well tonight. So, I decided to make my own this Halloween, maybe after Halloween is over I'll let others use him.

EDIT:Halloween isn't even over and I'm already going back to my old avatar... I missed it. So this is free to use now.
Image size
50x50px 1.09 KB
© 2010 - 2024 efyri
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ToxicPhantomSan's avatar
I'ma gonna use this!~
I'll credit you too. ^_~