Eeveexpert's avatar


Owner of too many Eevees.
130 Watchers143 Deviations

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #4 - Facade) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #3 - Payback) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #2 - Moonlight) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #1 - Pursuit) by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon, Chapter 17 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon, Chapter 16 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 15 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 14 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 13 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 12 by Eeveexpert, literature

See All

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #4 - Facade) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #3 - Payback) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #2 - Moonlight) by Eeveexpert, literature

A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh (Save #1 - Pursuit) by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon, Chapter 17 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon, Chapter 16 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 15 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 14 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 13 by Eeveexpert, literature

Storms On the Horizon: Ch. 12 by Eeveexpert, literature


Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (70)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Anyone who knows me already knows the following, but, for those who don't, take some notes; there will be a quiz at the end of this.

Outside of writing, I have no artistic ability whatsoever. I first came to deviantART back in July of 2007, with an idea for a Pokemon fanfiction entitled A Sapphire Shines in Sinnoh. Since then, ASSiS has generated two sequels and garnered me a handful of watchers. I am predominately a self-taught writer and I'm always wanting to become better at fanfictioning, whether it be Pokemon or My Little Pony.

Quiz Time! Hope you took notes.

1. The best pony is:
A. Fluttershy.
B. Fluttershy.
C. Fluttershy.
D. All of the above.
E. Princess Luna.
F. A, B, C, D, and E.

Favourite Visual Artist
Nikisan and Silverbirch.
Favourite Movies
Since there's no MLP:FiM movie yet; Inception.
Favourite TV Shows
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Daniel Ingram.
Favourite Books
Any and all of the Redwall or Warriors series.
Favourite Writers
Erin Hunter or Brian Jacques.
Favourite Games
Too many to list.
Favourite Gaming Platform
If it can play games, I probably have it.
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, eraser, notebook, the untapped potential of one's imagination.
Other Interests
Fiction writing, children's card games, video gaming.
To all of you that celebrate it, let me wish you a Merry Christmas. To those of you that do not, let me instead wish you a happy holiday season of your choice. Before I get into my little Christmas miracle, let me shed a little backstory on things. When I stepped back from Pokemon fiction, I had already had about 7 chapters of Shadows of Deceit written. After about a month, by some fantastic stretch of the mind, I managed to misplace the notebook I had transcribed these chapters in. Don't ask me how, I don't honestly remember, nor did I remember where I had lost it, be it at my actual home or at my apartment I stayed at during the school sea
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For those of you that still tune into this channel, allow me to interrupt your regularly scheduled period of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENING with something actually relevant and exciting. Recently, nostalgia put me into a headlock and turned my eyes to reading Shattered Truths. As I read on, I realized something. With each chapter that went by, I found myself clicking the link to the next one not because of nostalgia, but because I wanted to read it. I was enjoying it as a reader would. I grew up with (and in the case of Rusty. Sapphire, Rosalyn, and Saffron, watched them grow up) these characters. Many of you did the same, genuinely adoring th
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0 min read
I'm finally on Tumblr! ( Go ahead! Ask me some questions an' sh*t. I-if that's okay with you, I-I mean... EDIT: As promised in my last journal, here is an image of my birthday gift. ==>
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Profile Comments 197

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happy birthday
Uhh, are you still alive
Are you still alive :O
Happy Birthday ^^ :iconcakeplz:
Happy Birthday! :icondragonhug: