EeveeWiiPlz's avatar


Eevee Wii Miss Fluffy
10 Watchers0 Deviations


2 min read
This Plz account was made by :iconstormartic:

This image belongs to :iconabstormal:
It can be found here:

Feel free to use on journals and in comments =)

:iconeeveewiiplz: :iconeeveewiiPlz:

For more cat plz accounts see :iconmycatsplz:
All my plz accounts can be found on :icontoygerplz:
You can make plz accounts of my cat stock :iconcatstock:

This avatar can also be found on

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Hi, I'm Eevee!
My full name is Eevee Wii Miss Fluffy!

I belong to :iconabstormal:Abstormal

You can use my avatar on DeviantArt as a plz account by typing :iconeeveewiiplz:
But you can not upload it to your own account, as the image belongs to my owner Abstormal

Eevee's Plz accounts:

:iconeeveewiiplz: :iconEeveeWiiPlz:
:iconeeveehissplz: :iconEeveeHissPlz:

Property of: (you can use my normal accounts as plz'es too, if you like the icons =^_^= )
:iconstormartic: :icontoyger: (art; main)
:iconabstormal: :iconthe-shadowcat: (photo; cat)
:iconcatstock: :iconcatstock: (stock; cat and other)  
:iconzun0: :iconzun0: (Art; WIP's, Line Arts and other)

My Cats Plz accounts:

:iconmycatsplz: :iconmycatsplz:

:iconeeveewiiplz: :iconeeveewiiplz:

:iconronjaplz: :iconronjaplz:

:iconmurreplz: :iconmurreplz:

Specific Emotes:


:iconeeveehissplz: :iconeeveehissplz:


:iconhissplz: :iconhissplz:


:iconmurrehissplz: :iconmurrehissplz:

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EeveeWiiPlz by EeveeWiiPlz, journal

Eevee Wii Miss Fluffy by EeveeWiiPlz, journal