JediWannaBe Web ComicEdward256 on DeviantArt

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JediWannaBe Web Comic

Character  Kyle KatarnObject  lightsaberObject  Blaster Rifle


was something I created from the game Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II back in 2002 based on an Ultima Online web comic called ImaNewbie.

All images were captured using the base game (most of the time) in the lowest resolution possible (not that I didn't have the computer to go higher) and edited in MSPaint.
Back then, I just placed the pictures one after the other on a blank HTML page. Now I've been fiddling on a kind of "Comic Viewer" to better present this comic, and any future comics.

If you don't like that I haven't gone for smoother resolutions, well, tough. This is its style and I don't plan to change it any time soon. There may be rare instances where I do bring up the color to 16-bit (if I continue this comic).

Anyways, enjoy the adventures of a JediWannaBe.
Image size
640x800px 266.36 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Edward256
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