edtropolis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/edtropolis/art/stickin-to-it-710046910edtropolis

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edtropolis's avatar

stickin' to it...



Commish for AsherTye who wanted a nice pic featuring some familiar characters from the MLP franchise...this time Spike and pretty much a pony of my choice...so of course I choice a pony I've never drawn before: Rarity. ;)

The scenario is that Spike was at the beach, and failed to notice that he acquired some friends which stuck to his armor tough hide...that being sea urchins.  I thought it would be funny to have MOST of them stuck...to his butt. ^^  AND since there is a new movie out featuring the Mane Six, the franchise is STILL not going anywhere anytime soon...thanks Hasbro! =D

Hope you all like it, yet another one down, and still many more to go...it takes time guys! =P
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833x1194px 704.67 KB
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Dr-InSean's avatar
Heeheeheehee!  That's cute.