edtropolis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/edtropolis/art/market-street-ft-Sally-382786860edtropolis

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edtropolis's avatar

market street (ft. Sally)



WOOOOOOW a pic FINALLY!!! Yeah I've been busy haha...but here's a Sally pic to start off the best part of SUMMER! And whats this? Rosy the Rascal??? Been a while since I've seen her around...but yeah I really wanted to draw her, being the first Amy prototype...or young Amy ^^; and looking just a bit curious about Sally's attire...or lack there of.

Anyway glad to be back...look forward to more pics and for those in North America have a rockin' and safe Forth of July!! =D
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1361x1300px 2.64 MB
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OldHeadEd's avatar

Sally has always been bottomless, Amy.