I have always liked cast (plaster) since childhood. When I learned to use a 3D tool to model characters with (cast) plaster was a fun joke that I share here with you. I hope you enjoy and await comments about my work.
PTB: Sempre gostei de cast(gesso) desde criança. Quando aprendi a usar uma ferramenta 3D para modelar personagens com (cast)gesso foi uma brincadeira divertida que compartilho aqui com vocês. Espero que gostem e aguardo comentários sobre os meus trabalhos.
New Gallery, Camila with LLC and SAC cast. please comment if you prefer female or male characters.
Thank you for visiting my site! Could I offer you a story to read?
New gallery Lucas and Smith, slc with plaster and crutches at cafeteria. Comment please...
Will you be doing any more artwork?
New pics at Aldo Gallery