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Rarity - Copic



Hoy por fin pude imprimir y dar color al boceto digital de Rarity. Me ha tomado un par de horas terminarla, ya que he tenido que darle color con los rotuladores Copic y, luego, llevarlo a Photoshop para hacer un poco de efectos de la magia, la cual no he querido poner mucho para que no dañase.

Today I was finally able to print and color the digital sketch of Rarity. It has taken me a couple of hours to finish because I had to give color with Copic markers and then take it to Photoshop to make some effects of magic, which did not want to put much so that did not damage.

SPEED COLORED: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcUDpy…

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4961x3508px 2.78 MB
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LeandroValhalla's avatar
¡Hola! Hacía tiempo que no sabía nada de ti.
¡Buen trabajo!