Quetzalcoalt Goddess of the sunEdoNovaIllustrator on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/edonovaillustrator/art/Quetzalcoalt-Goddess-of-the-sun-483706813EdoNovaIllustrator

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EdoNovaIllustrator's avatar

Quetzalcoalt Goddess of the sun



Sketch: lightdragon87.deviantart.com/a…

Preparando a uno de los últimos personajes de mis fanfics de MLP para el futuro, aquí tengo el sketch de quien será en la tercera saga un personaje importante, Quetzalcoalt la diosa del sol. 

I prepared one of the last characters in my fanfic MLP for the future, here is my sketch of whom will be in the third saga an important character, Quetzalcoalt Goddess of the sun.
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600x741px 96.9 KB
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irontiuay's avatar
Sabía que era impresinante, pero no tanto Artimist - Happy / Cute / Amazing / wow