Family hooves (Commission Finished)EdoNovaIllustrator on DeviantArt

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Family hooves (Commission Finished)



Este trabajo aún no está terminado, requiere un par de retoques, pero estoy en ello para que el trabajo sea perfecto.

Es un encargo pedido por el usuario de YouTube S7, cuyo canal va dirigido a la serie de My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, música y gameplays de videojuegos, además de opiniones suyas propias. Espero que le guste

This work is not yet finished, requires a couple of tweaks, but I'm in it for the work to be perfect.

It is a custom order by YouTube user S7, which channel is directed to the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, music and videogame gameplays, in addition to his own opinions. I hope you like
Image size
4003x2816px 2.06 MB
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Nova225's avatar
Family Hooves, you say ?


I don't see Doctor *HOOVES* ? Just a random 'OC' here.