Derpy HoovesEdoNovaIllustrator on DeviantArt

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Derpy Hooves



Continuando con mi próxima ilustración, aquí les traigo a otro de los personajes, si, es cierto que me estoy centrando bastante en los de My Little Pony: Frienship is Magic, pero son personajes realmente versátiles, capaces de pegar con casi todo, y crear situaciones divertidas.

Prometo que pronto subiré algo que no tenga que ver con la serie, por el momento, esperad, y disfrutad de la ilustración.

Continuing with my near illustration, here I they bring other one of the prominent figures, if, it is true that I am centring enough on those of My Little On Pony: Frienship is Magic, but they are really versatile prominent figures, capable of sticking with almost quite, and to create enterteining situations.

I promise that prompt I will raise something that it does not have to see with the series, for the present time, wait, and enjoy the illustration.

Image size
647x765px 168.2 KB
© 2014 - 2025 EdoNovaIllustrator
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kcsalyer23's avatar

Derpy is such a cutie!