I specialize in works of animals and other fantastic critters! With my artistic origins rooted in traditional styles, transitioning to a more digital world has been exciting and I am always looking for new ways to grow or techniques to try! The inspiration for most of my works stems from a deep love for the natural world around us as well as the many, many fantastical ones we create ourselves!
I am currently most active on my Twitter account, but if you feel so inclined you may also find me on Kofi now!
Thank You for 🙂
Anytime! 💚💚💚
Thank you for faving,
I greatly appreciate it!!!
Anytime! 😃
Thank you for faves and watches! I wish you a great holidays and happy mood!
You are always most welcome! 😃 Thank you so much for your kind words; Happy Holidays right back at you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙
Thank you for taking your time and faving my works, it´s highly appreciated for me~^-^~