Eco-cide's avatar


Art with a conscience
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I added my books as the whole purpose of them is to teach children about climate change and global warming, in a gentle way. It would be great if they could be accepted, as your group is about this. The books focus on the positives and what simple changes we can all make for a more sustainable planet. If it doesn’t get accepted, it’s no problem. Thank you

Ian Mayes
We need to step up recycling!
Thank you very much for the requests.:iconbowplz:

Great Apes as a Living World Heritage of the Unesco:…
(German -  I'll try to search for an english version)

Initiator: Great Ape Project, in Germany supported by the "Giordano-Bruno Stiftung" (humanism and enlightenment).

If the petition will suceeded it can also help to reach more emphaty for other living beeings on this planet.

In any case, I see great apes as my evolutionary brothers and sisters.
eco-cide, thanks for including my sketches of Toughie
Thanks for the request!
My thanks for the quotated pic request. :-)