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Star Spawn of Cthulhu



This is not Cthulhu himself, but a representation of one of his kindred. Sometimes referred to as "Star Spawn," they are more or less described as an octopus-like race which descended from the stars.

"Another race - a land race of beings shaped like octopi and probably corresponding to fabulous prehuman spawn of Cthulhu - soon began filtering down from cosmic infinity and precipitated a -monstrous war which for a time drove the Old Ones wholly back to the sea..."
-H.P. Lovecraft, At the Mountains Of Madness

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imagophil's avatar

"Like it or not, believe it or not as you will. Your perceptions will not  change reality, but simply colour it. Humanity has been on the edge of  extinction for two millennia. Ignorant of so much, and dependent on so  few. The guardians grow restless. Their time once again near."  (Eternal Darkness: A Sanity's Requiem)