More Hatties HatsEclecticCalico on DeviantArt

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More Hatties Hats



These are all acrylic yarn hats that I have done without patterns so no two are alike. I crochet hats and scarves for my friends and family every Fall and Winter. I recently purchased a lot of wool and angora yarns so I am hoping to do some really fun creations! The object under the hats is a shawl that I am also crocheting. I learned to crochet when I was just a girl and did not put it to too much use until recently. I rarely use patterns anymore but have learned several different stitches that make them very unique. Some even have ear furnishings! I just love to say that. Hope you like them!
Image size
3648x2736px 4.17 MB
Canon PowerShot A1000 IS
Shutter Speed
1/30 second
Focal Length
6 mm
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Date Taken
Dec 6, 2011, 11:13:26 PM
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© 2011 - 2025 EclecticCalico
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Would u like to buy yarn i have im selling it cheap and i got it and its brand new. My friend gave it to me and she said someone bought it and donated to her cause she works at the library and she jst gave it to me. I make scarfs from fingernitting but i can't use it cause it has some wool and i dont use or have anything made of or from animals. Would u like to but it ill tell u want its made of and send u a pic of it. Im sellin it really cheap and no hasel.