Dynamic for RainmeterEclectic-Tech on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/eclectic-tech/art/Dynamic-for-Rainmeter-488964633Eclectic-Tech

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Dynamic for Rainmeter

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UPDATED: 2017-12-22 (See Change History below...)
Requires Rainmeter v3.3.0.2519 or higher

** Virus Total Verified ~ "TOTALLY CLEAN": www.virustotal.com/en/url/f4a6…

A complete suite of Menu & Dock Launchers and System Monitoring for Rainmeter

:bulletblue: With Automatic Theme Coloration to Compliment your Desktop

:bulletblue: Automatic Scaling any font selection

:bulletblue: Works with any screen resolution

:bulletblue: 5 Dynamic Menu Styles (Text Only, Icon & Text, Small Icons, Medium Icons, Large Icons)

Easy Menu & Launcher Setup
:bulletgreen: Taskbar and Sidebar Menus launch Folders
:bulletgreen: Dock Items launch Applications
:bulletgreen: Middle-click any Menus or Dock Launchers to select target
:bulletgreen: OR use custom skin context menu of Menus or Dock Launchers to select target
:bulletgreen: Automatically sets the Title and creates menus/launchers for your files & applications
:bulletgreen: Right-click to select a Dynamic Menu Styles (5 styles - Text, Icon & Text, Sm Icons, Med Icons, Lrg Icons)
:bulletgreen: Automatic Color setting based on your wallpaper using the Chameleon plugin by Socks the Fox (included in skin package). Please visit their page for any updates, to thank them, and by donating to them for their donating to improving Rainmeter capabilities.

:: 200+ skins ::

48 Menus (Simple Middle-click to setup)
24 Laucher Icons - 3 Dock Sizes (8 Links Each) - 4 Dock Styles
2 Sidebars
8 Core Graphs
8 Button Styles
Unlimited Color & Shading
Digital/Analogue Clocks
World Clocks
News Search
News Ticker
Streaming Radio
System Info
and more...

Alternate Views: sta.sh/21cmbm8smgwe

Change History (trimmed to lastest updates):
Version 3.2017.12.22
- Corrected folder opening when menu launch button is clicked

Version 3.2017.04.07
- Added Context Menu options to select targets for menus and launchers (for users without middle mouse buttons)

Version 3.2017.03.12
- Modified Chameleon color choice for background shading
- Added Cover to NowPlaying skin
- Include preset Layouts for 1366x768 & 1920x1080 **
**  Skins can be re-arranged to suit your style 

Version 3.2016.11.22
- Redesigned sidebars to remember current hidden state
- Corrected lyric launch from sidebar media
- Resized recycle bin display
- Added layout with main bar at bottom
- Dynamic layout now loads both sidebars

Version 3.2016.11.17
- Redesigned sidebars for more placement options
- Corrected setting for calendar to match suite styles
- Minor code corrections for better scaling control
- Added sidebar media player control
- Added sidebar calendar

Version 3.2016.10.24 
- Added ability to Scale All Skin with 1 control
- Requires latest Rainmeter Download and Windows 7 or higher

Version 3.2016.10.24
Added Scaler Setting to scale ALL SKINS with 1 Setting
Added Lyrics skin to NowPlaying
Minor corrections to text positions

Version 3.2016.05.24
Added missing Vertical world clock (left-click dynamic taskbar clock)

Version 3.2016.05.17
Modified Weather skins to use new weather site
Corrected duplicate variables for NowPlaying that caused foobar2000 to appear twice

Version 3.2016.03.01
Modified launcher selection; icons will no longer 'disappear' when drives are selected
Added right-click to reset launchers to default item (Drive C:\)
Docks are now initially positioned near the bottom middle for 1920x1080 resolution

Version 3.2016.02.05
Added Windows 10 calendar launch (middle-click date)
Corrected Nowplaying info text positioning
Corrected Seclorum calendar title formatting
Corrected Toggle-All skin to position at top screen edge on refresh

Version 3.2016.02.05
Added Spotify to NowPlaying
 > NOTE: You will need to install the original skin from forum.rainmeter.net/viewtopic.… and have a Spotify account
 > I do not have Spotify, so testing will be needed by users...
Modified SysInfo to load when SysInfo taskbar launch is loaded 
 > This will show monitoring stats continually
Modified SysInfo to show totals for Network/Memory/Disk
Added a reset for Network cumulative stats

Version 3.2016.01.31
Corrected NowPlaying Title & Artist design to match menus
Modified WorldTime Vertical to adjust for Celsius/Fahrenheit based on weather unit in settings

Version 3.2016.01.29
Added Seclorem Calendar by Varelse42 (modified and corrected) 
Added vertical WorldTime skin with sunrise/sunset/temp on mouse hover

Version 3.2016.01.20
Corrected an issue with autocolor not working after wallpaper change
Removed I-Radio from Taskbar list in Settings (added Playlists)
Re-modified Search format to match taskbar style

Version 3.2016.01.19
Removed dependence on NirCmd from Recycle Bin (Removed NirCmd from package)
Modified Search format to match taskbar style
Added 5 second title/artist popup at 90 second intervals to nowplaying
Redesigned shade during theme color selection for 5 second dimming
Updated Playlist stations (removed dead links/added several new) * Remember to associated .m3u & .pls files to use your selected player
Need Rainmeter V3.3.0.2519 or higher www.rainmeter.net/
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Melbourne 😂