Lots O' New Stuff

1 min read

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EchoMoonJewelry's avatar
I've been trying out a bunch of new techiques lately. I freely admit that when you're bustin' ass trying to produce stuff for a craft show looming on the immediate horizon is probably not the best time to try new things. But, what the hell...

For years I keep coming back to trying to make wrapped settings for stones and always ended up with a tangled mess. I decided to try it again - 2 days before the craft show. As I sat there frustrated, staring at this nasty looking jumble of wires in my hand - I had an epiphany. It's ALL about strategically placing pieces of tape as you're working your way around the stone. Finally, after years of frustration I actually had a couple of pieces I wasn't totally embarassed to show to anyone. The craft show happened on Friday so the pressure is off and now I'm tearing through my gem cabinets wrapping things like a fiend.

I think I need to buy more rocks...
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