I'm an an entirely self-taught artist from Dublin,Ireland. My favourite subjects are horses,but I also love fantasy subjects. The biggest influence on my art have been the Pre-Raphaelites ,Lucy Kemp-Welch,Munnings,Skeaping,...wish I could paint like them.
Current Residence: Dublin,Ireland
Favourite genre of music: prog rock,classical,rock
Favourite style of art: Pre-raphaelite,
Shell of choice: Tortoise
Wallpaper of choice: william morris
Skin of choice: Leopard
Favourite cartoon character: Asterix
Personal Quote: 'Ooohhhh! Antlers!'
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Echdhu! 🎂 🎉
Thanks for the fave!
Hi ! Ireland inside heart ! :)
You have a marvelous eye for the beauty of animals, and depict it very well. I enjoyed viewing your gallery, very much.
Thanks for the fave :)