ebas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ebas/art/escape-from-wonderland-iss-0-82411985ebas

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escape from wonderland iss 0



art by me, colors by nei

where to start on this one. well, i was asked and asked and asked to draw this particular cover as its the biggest book that Zenescope (the publisher of the comic) will put out. there was a lot of pressure for this assignment but i caved and decided to do it. but i was busy for a long while and couldnt do untill the very last min. but in the mean time i kept thinking over and over....how am i going to fit all those characters into this amount of space and make it look cool and at the same time not screw it up??!! thats a lot of pressure that nobody needs. esspecially when ur editors telling u " its going to be our biggest book ever"!!

well, i ran out of time and had to draw it quite fast and left me with little room to think. and for me thats the hardest part. i already know how to draw, its the magic behind the idea thats the challenge. but i had no choice and just went with my instinks and this is the best i could come up with. hope u like it

alice was the hardest part of the thought process because again, there was more presure in drawing her. shes the star, the main attraction. in the past, i ve only drawn alice very sexy or with half her clothes off. thats easy, no real emotion, no real science behind it. just draw a hot chick. so my 1st thought was draw her really big and sexy, "its the biggest book of the yr". but i went with my gut and decided to go with the deaper feeling and go with the in ur face story telling. My editor was very iffy with the "slit wrist" thing, but i felt it was important to tell the "story" i wanted and went with that. so, how can mix those emotions and not make u feel like u want to vomit as soon as u look at it? well, that was yet another fork in the road. i felt if i draw her with a more "assending" into the sky "feel" that might make it less depressing. when i finished drawing her it all went down hill from there. i felt she was strong enough to grab ur attention and the mojo (as i like to call it) kinda just flowed out.

in the end, its one of my favorite pieces that ive done. whats even better is the my friend and fellow artist Nei, kicked serious ass at coloring and brining it to life (nothing hurts more than someone coming along and ruining all ur hard work). i think its her best color job to date. i mean come on, even the mirror looks awesome. who makes a piece of flat glass look that good?? thanks lil one. i owe u a churro.
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1579x1200px 584.26 KB
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barbarryan's avatar
Nice, one of my fav AiW's.