ebas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ebas/art/Wolverine-Dark-Phoenix-in-Copic-by-me-ebas-838750582ebas

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ebas's avatar

Wolverine Dark Phoenix in Copic by me ebas

Object  imagination


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Pin Up poses never fail but I wanted to add something a little different this time and depth is a great way to spice it up. I wanted to have their arms closer to the camera, especially #Wolverine 's hand to really pull you in deeper into the piece. I hope it works

#JeanGrey 's hair was wild and fun to do but not as much as #Wolvie 's suit, I like the #MarvelStudio 's stitching and layering they do to their costumes and I was dying to do it to #Logan 's outfit and I added a little to the #DarkPhoenix as well. Did you notice it, or the black I added to his costume?

The shine on his claws are 100% hand drawn and no PS effects were used, I love when a plan works out

I don't know why I like drawing #ThePhoenix symbol made of liquid metal but I don't think I'll stop anytime soon.

If you had to cut one of the characters out of this pic, who would it be?
Image size
743x990px 1.04 MB
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Awesome Wolverine 🙂