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Waiting for Daydreams



This is a "sister image" to my previous painting featuring Luna, Fishing for Nightmares:
Fishing for Nightmares by Earthsong9405

The initial plan was to have this finished and sold alongside Luna's, but I didn't finish it in time so I went ahead and finished it yesterday morning. I'll just sell the original at the next Bronycon. o3o

ANYWAY! This image is basically following the same theme and feel I hoped to capture in Fishing for Nightmares, only this time Celestia is simply taking a nap instead of actively fishing for a daydream. Originally she DID have a line tied to her horn and a cloud tied to the other end of the line, but I didn't really want a straight black line disrupting the warm colors because, when I ended up finishing it, it didn't really seem to fit. So I opted not to add it or the tiny cloud.

So like the previous one, this isn't necessarily "canon" to my headcanon (aside from Celestia's wings; I tried to make the feathers shimmery and maybe reflective but I dunno how successful that was...) since it was only for fun, but if I had to describe what was going on: Celestia wouldn't fish for daydreams because, as far as daydreams are concerned, they are often pleasant and fantastical and as such it wouldn't really warrent any sort of drawing out or luring because a daydream sometimes just comes to you. So that's what Celly is doing, basically: she's basically playing the waiting game, taking a short nap in knowing pleasant daydreams will come. I decided to make the shapes representing the Daydreams into fish with wing-like fins because why not. I was also gonna have the sun be more like her Cutie Mark but decided against it so I could put her in the middle.

Now that she's finished I think I'll try to get it autographed by Nicole Oliver before Bronycon... just gotta figure out how. :/

Anyway, this was painted on an Artist Panel with acrylics and took me about 5-6 hours. I honestly wasn't keeping the time. >.> But she was a WHOLE bunch of fun to work on. I love working with warm colors as much as I love working on cool colors and night skies. I hope you guys like it as much as I do! :3

Also, if you like my artwork, perhaps you could maybe consider supporting me on Patreon please?  Even $1 is a huge help, and I'd really appreciate it! C:
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1608x2064px 993.67 KB
© 2015 - 2024 EarthnAshes
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SumfingPappo's avatar
so pretty btw if you look at it from far away the sun is face with hooves for eyes and Celestia's hair as her hair, its a floating head