Deviation Actions
Sooooooo somethin’ a little different this time, some artwork of Steven Universe! I don’t actually watch the show all that religiously but the times I have watched, I enjoyed it. My favorite gem by far is Garnet, I love her so much, but I’m also pretty interested in the whole complication of Steven being the son/sorta-kinda reincarnation of Rose Quartz. So I did this!
There was originally gonna be thorny vines looping the rose arch but I ultimately decided against it. He was also supposed to be leaning on the shield; I know that's his primary method of combat, but I thought the use of his mom's sword may be better. Anyway the basic idea behind the image is “inheritance”. Steven, as Rose’s son, seems to inherit all the good and the bad that came from her life, and whether or not it’s fair he’ll have to deal with the legacy left for him. I could be wrong; like I said I don’t actively watch the show, but I thought this would make for a cool painting.
This was 4 hours of work, using acrylics and watercolor, then touched up a bit in Photoshop. The original will be on sale at Bronycon, too, but I haven’t decided if I should make prints of this or nah. I guess I’ll take note of the reaction and see from there. o3o
Buuuuuuuuuuut yeah. Something different and a bit out of my comfort zone but so much fun to work on. I hope you all like it! ^.^
Armor inspired by the one Steven wears in this cool pic:
The rose arch is gorgeous