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Portrait Series: Spike



Here's the third and forth installment to my Portrait Series, where I plan on painting as many headshots of canon characters as I can to sell exclusively at Bronycon! This time it's of our lovable young drake, but I decided to play around with this. Instead of just one Spike, I drew two versions of him. Him as a teen (on the left) and him as he currently is (the right). For whatever reason my scanner doesn't work too well with shades of purple, but that's okay; the original looks pretty good, and the scan came out decent, so I'm cool. :3

Once again, worked with Watercolors and White Acrylics on mixed-media paper. Both took about 2 hours each. They were both so much fun to paint!

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. And I hope you guys like them! ^.^
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2600x1700px 3.83 MB
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SonicHomeboy's avatar
Fantastic job on Spike here! :D You really captured his personality rather well. ^^