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Portrait Series: Luna and Celestia



I currently don't have any access to the Cintiq in order to continue with my digital painting series for Bronycon, so I decided to break out some of my traditional paints and get started on one of my painting series: a bunch of headshots of several canon characters. Debating on calling it either the Bronycon Portrait Collection (BPC), or just Portrait Series. The point of the paintings is to do as many headshots as I can so I can sell them at Bronycon exclusively, and while they will all be of canon characters (and sometimes even famous fan characters if I'm asked enough), there will be a variety of how the characters are depicted: my headcanon, my AUs, show accurate, or maybe even just in a different painting style. Either way... these are the first two of the series! ^.^

Goddess Celestia and Goddess Luna from my Bodyguard!AU, where the sisters are literal goddesses instead of pseudo deities like they are in my headcanon. I really enjoy these designs though, so much so that I often find myself considering just headcanoning them, but I often just go "neh." Anyway, I really enjoyed painting these: they both took about 2 hours each, and are painted with Watercolors and white acrylic for the highlights and stars. :3

Feel free to ask me any questions if you have any. And I hope you guys like them! ^.^
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4138x1654px 6.3 MB
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thecolorlesscrayon's avatar
Luna and Celestia!
Celestia and Luna!
Mighty and powerful GODS